My QuotesBy: Peter Holzer
"Those who are mad at the world, often find they are just mad at themselves."
"Every man dreams of success. Those who don’t are doomed to failure."
"To solve a problem you must first admit that one exists."
"It’s human nature to get into fights; however, it is how you resolve your conflicts that measures how human you really are."
"You’ve got to learn to live in the present and look to the future, not the past."
"Governments don’t make people. People make governments."
"What’s a secret if people are not willing to kill for it?"
"The world plays you for a fool: don’t let it have an encore."
"He who sees with eyes alone is often blinded to true beauty."
"Finding love is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's impossible to find, & when you do, you prick your finger."
"Spend less time working on your lawn and more time playing in it."
"Teddy bears sit on top of the covers . . . they don't get under them."
"Things you should never say to a vampire: bite me."
"I'd challenge you to a battle of wits, but I refuse to fight an unarmed opponent."
"I don't suffer from insanity; I actually enjoy it."
"While it's true that nice guys don't always finish last, they do in most of the important races."
"slow and steady may be safe, but fast and risky wins the race."
"In life there are no winners. at best you can only enjoy playing the game."
"If you spend too much time thinking about the future you won't have any time to live in the present."
"Are you a proctologist? No? Then get the *@#& away from my rear end!"
Copyright © 2002 by Peter Holzer. All rights reserved.